Frequently asked questions of travelers

Travel information and other Lasta services
Questions regarding travel (departures, arrivals, prices ...) and other services provided by SP Lasta can be reached on our Info Center, which is available to users 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Phone: 0800 334 334 (free call),
+ 381 11 3348 555, 3348 556, 3348 557
Prices of individual and monthly tickets
Information on specific prices for all routes and types of tickets on SP Lasta lines is available to all persons at bus stations that sell tickets for specific departures. Confirmations on transport prices can be obtained only on the basis of the performed service, that is the purchased ticket. In order to protect business conditions and eliminate possible intrigues, it is prohibited to issue certificates on the amount of the price of transportation on the lines of SP Lasta a.d. Belgrade, to individuals and legal entities without a previously purchased ticket.

Using online tickets
Passengers are required to have 2 (two) copies of printed online ticket format and a seat reservation made when entering the Lastin bus.
Use of discounts with index and youth cards
Students and users of EYCA, ISIC and EURO 26 cards are obliged to show the documents on the basis of which they receive discounts on ticket prices at the request of the train staff of SP Lasta.
Travel conditions for a certain category of passengers
Passengers holding passports of the Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija, the former republics of SFRY (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia), Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia and Cuba must have a valid visa for entry and transit through Hungary and Schengen.
Use of the free transport service for members of the Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
Only uniformed persons of the Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia have free transportation on intercity lines.

Passenger complaints
The contact address for passenger complaints is:  In the email it is necessary to state the date and route of travel, time of departure and the content of the complaint.
Lost things
The contact address for lost items is The date and route of the trip, as well as the time of departure, must be stated in the email.
Transport of animals
According to Article 14 of the Law on Transport of Passengers in Road Transport, the transport of animals in a bus is not allowed: “Article 14 infectious diseases, alcoholics who disturb other passengers and disturb the bus crew, animals, mortal remains, explosives, flammable, toxic, radioactive, corrosive substances, organic peroxides, etc. "