Here you can view and download financial and economic reporting on the operations of SP LASTA AD 

Economic indicators / General Meeting of Shareholders of SP "Lasta" - decisions related to financial statements

     1. Annual individual financial report for 2023.
      2. Annual consolidated financial report for 2023.

     1. Regular half-yearly financial report for 2022
2. Regular consolidated semi-annual financial report for 2022
      3. Annual individual financial report for 2022
      4. Annual consolidated financial report for 2022

     1. Annual consolidated financial report for 2021.
     2. Annual individual financial report for 2021.
     3. Corrected regular annual financial report for 2021.
     4. Corrected consolidated annual financial report for 2021.

  1. Annual individual financial report for 2020
  2. Annual consolidated financial report for 2020
  3. Semi-annual individual financial report for 2020
  4. Semi-annual consolidated financial report for 2020
  1. Annual financial report for the year 2019 - corrected
  2. Annual consolidated financial report for the year 2019 - corrected 
  3. Annual financial report 2019 
  4. Consolidated annual report 2019 
  5. Semi-annual financial report for 2019
  6. Consolidated semi-annual financial report for 2019
  1. Annual financial report sp lasta for 2018 
  2. Consolidated annual financial report for 2018 
  3. Semi-annual financial report sp lasta for 2018
  4. Consolidated semi-annual financial report for 2018
  1. Annual financial report for 2017
  2. Consolidated annual financial report for 2017 
  3. Consolidated semi-annual financial report for 2017
  4. Semi-annual financial report for 2017
  1. Annual financial report for 2016
  2. Consolidated annual financial report for 2016
  3. Semi-annual financial report for 2016
  4. Consolidated semi-annual financial report for 2016 

General Meeting of Shareholders of SP "Lasta" - decisions related to financial statements:
  1. Decision on the adoption of financial statements and profit distribution for 2017 
  2. Decision on the adoption of financial statements and profit distribution for 2016